Artist : Wash Out Test
Album : Home Alone (web version)
Year : 2008
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 160K/s
Track Listing
1. Back to No Future (4:19)
2. Beatlesjuice (3:59)
3. Freddy, Queen of the Desert (2:06)
4. Full Metal Canned (3:16)
5. Stone Alone II (3:47)
6. The Fat Lebowski (4:32)
7. The Good, the band and the ugly (4:15)
8. The kingdom of crystal snakesss (4:56)
9. The Zion King (2:49)
10. Who framed little rabbit (2:44)
Total Playing Time: 36:46 (min:sec)
Total Size : 42,1 MB (44*175*595 bytes)
Wash Out Test----Home Alone (web version)

Artist : Wash Out Test
Album : Demo 2001
Year : 2001
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 160K/s
Track Listing
1. Common Shit in a Common Day of a Common Student (4:04)
2. Ctrl-alt-delete (2:01)
3. Je voudrais dйjа кtre Roi (2:45)
4. One for the road (1:22)
5. Puca (2:58)
Total Playing Time: 13:12 (min:sec)
Total Size : 15,1 MB (15*874*574 bytes)
Wash Out Test----Demo 2001

Artist : Wash Out Test
Album : Wash Out Test
Year : 2004
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 160K/s
Track Listing
1. 13'' Song (0:15)
2. Daddy (3:44)
3. Dinosaurs Eat Flowers (2:30)
4. Fuckin' Sound! (0:11)
5. Geezers (2:21)
6. God Bless The Turtles (2:53)
7. Illusions (3:41)
8. Kick On The Fat Kid (4:12)
9. Lookin' For A Place (2:21)
10. Mr. Two (4:10)
11. Nuclear Food (1:59)
12. Puppet's Show (2:22)
13. Valentine (1:23)
14. Will We Also Let Them Take Punk-Rock (3:06)
Total Playing Time: 35:13 (min:sec)
Total Size : 40,4 MB (42*333*094 bytes)
Wash Out Test----Wash Out Test