Artist : Kill Lincoln
Album : Good Riddance to Good Advice
Year : 2015
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. $8 Beer Night (4:26)
2. Days I Spent Inside (3:51)
3. Fire Starter (2:00)
4. Good Riddance to Good Advice (4:40)
5. I'm Getting Too Old For This Shit (4:00)
6. Ronald... Help Me. (1:43)
Total Playing Time: 20:43 (min:sec)
Total Size : 19,0 MB (19*919*356 bytes)
Kill Lincoln----Good Riddance to Good Advice

Artist : Kill Lincoln
Album : That's Cool… In a Totally Negative and Destructive Way
Year : 2013
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~275K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. Intro (1:13)
2. Wake, Wait, Repeat (3:44)
3. "F" for Finished (4:04)
4. Brick (3:06)
5. A Winner Is You! (4:02)
6. Dad Fight (1:45)
7. Suburban Woa (4:15)
8. Figure It Out, Summer Sanders (3:57)
9. Hand Grenade (2:54)
10. That's Cool… In a Totally Negative and Destructive Way (4:06)
Total Playing Time: 33:11 (min:sec)
Total Size : 69,9 MB (73*282*920 bytes)
Kill Lincoln----That's Cool… In a Totally Negative and Destructive Way

Artist : Kill Lincoln
Album : You Were There
Year : 2011
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. Bike Shorts (4:00)
2. Clark Gable (4:22)
3. Desk Jockey (3:47)
4. Get Fucked Four Eyes (3:44)
5. Gummy Bears (4:14)
6. Look What You Did (you little jerk) (4:55)
7. Pralines & Dick (3:11)
8. Something Something etc. (5:43)
Total Playing Time: 33:59 (min:sec)
Total Size : 31,2 MB (32*671*795 bytes)
Kill Lincoln----You Were There