Artist : -=Va - Skarmageddon - Vol 1-=
Album : Skarmageddon Disc 1
Year : 1994
Genre : -=Ska=--=Ska-Punk=--=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : 128K/s 44100Hz Stereo
Track Listing
1. Big Haired Girls (The Skunks) (4:53)
2. Mr. Smiley (Mustard Plug) (2:49)
3. Model Citizen (The Pietasters) (3:31)
4. Spike (Allstonians) (3:49)
5. Game 7 (Skatet) (3:37)
6. #1 on the Hit List (Shakin' Not Stirred) (2:38)
7. Gal's Panic (Gal's Panic) (4:19)
8. Don't Give It Up (Durango 95) (2:38)
9. Sister Sister (The Slackers) (2:31)
10. Hoosier Love (MU330) (3:41)
11. Little Pieces (Agent Ninety Nine) (3:55)
12. Nut Monkey (Skavoovie & the Epitones) (3:09)
13. Bohemian (Swim Herschel Swim) (3:50)
14. Jawbone (Tiny Hat Orchestra) (4:43)
15. Addiction (Skinnerbox) (2:09)
16. Live Happily (The Checkered Cabs) (3:29)
17. Walkin' Shangbootie (Insatiable) (2:52)
Total Playing Time: 58:41 (min:sec)
Total Size : 53,8 MB (56*426*056 bytes)
Artist : -=Va - Skarmageddon - Vol 1=-
Album : Skarmageddon Disc 2
Track Listing
1. Jump up and Shout (Skapone) (3:09)
2. Ridges (The Exceptions, The Exceptions) (2:59)
3. Strokes of Reality (Pacers) (4:25)
4. Wake up (To Yourself) (Weaker Youth Ensemble) (5:02)
5. Hypocrite (Arsenals) (4:12)
6. Addicted (Spring Heeled Jack U.S.A.) (3:39)
7. Show up You (Thumper) (3:41)
8. Scootering (Invaders) (4:42)
9. Her Avenger (The Conspiracy) (4:44)
10. home (jc super ska) (2:25)
11. Monkey in the White House (Maga Dog) (4:26)
12. Ska'd Shitless (Kelly's Heroes) (2:26)
13. Ghost Rider (Mista mina) (3:26)
14. Bully Pulpit (Active Culture) (3:33)
Total Playing Time: 52:55 (min:sec)
Total Size : 48,5 MB (50*869*159 bytes)
Va - Skarmageddon - Vol 1

Artist : -=Va - Spawn of Skarmageddon - Vol 2=-
Album : Spawn of Skarmageddon Disc 1
Year : 1996
Genre : -=Ska=--=Ska-Punk=--=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : 128K/s 44100Hz Stereo
Track Listing
1. Tired of Struggling (Stubborn All-Stars) (4:02)
2. All Week (Can't Say) (3:45)
3. 21 Tons (Tantra Monsters) (3:50)
4. The Irish Opera Singer of Albee Square (Citizens) (2:28)
5. Unnerve and Arrest (Liberty Caps) (3:17)
6. Junbok (Isaac Green & The Skalars) (3:41)
7. Fideo (Yeska) (6:27)
8. Sure Shot (Mixers) (2:49)
9. Rudy Don't Fear (The Insteps) (2:29)
10. Rydim Drop (Public Service) (3:11)
11. The Punks (Slapstick) (2:05)
12. Rampage (Grown-Ups) (2:49)
13. Ever So Smooth (Warsaw) (3:59)
14. Times Like These (Miggedys) (2:46)
15. Bela Fleck (Fiascos) (3:02)
16. Ruder Than Your Dad (Ska Humbug) (1:44)
17. Summertime (Hi-Hats) (3:11)
18. Willie's Donuts (Superdot) (3:37)
19. Skasquatch (Crawdaddy) (3:26)
20. Skankin' on My Lungs (Mock Turtle Soup) (3:17)
21. Narrowminded (Otis Reem) (2:50)
22. These Are the Waves (World Service) (4:42)
Total Playing Time: 73:35 (min:sec)
Total Size : 67,5 MB (70*748*897 bytes)
Artist : -=Va - Spawn of Skarmageddon - Vol 2=-
Album : Spawn of Skarmageddon Disc 2
Year : 1996
Genre : -=Ska=--=Ska-Punk=--=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : 128K/s 44100Hz Stereo
Track Listing
1. Johnny Quest Thinks We're Sellouts (Less Than Jake) (3:00)
2. Don't Get Crazy (Bluebeats) (4:11)
3. The Dog Ate My Lyrics (Slaphappy) (2:52)
4. Cup O' Joe (Mobtown) (4:25)
5. Poorboy (Buck-O-Nine) (2:53)
6. Fravo Fravo (The Instigators) (2:45)
7. Hines Drive (Skolars) (2:39)
8. Once Before (SMA) (2:52)
9. Trousers Full of Lovin' (Punch The Clown) (3:19)
10. How Do You Do? (The Dynamics) (3:18)
11. Sod Off (Square One) (3:31)
12. Freedom (Suspects) (4:01)
13. Mokska Medicine (Kongo Shock) (4:11)
14. Gone Away (Edna's Goldfish) (2:53)
15. Part of the Past (Jumpstarts) (6:16)
16. Silly Sally (Mr. 2 Badd) (4:10)
17. Suburban Rude Boy (Ska King Crab) (3:20)
18. Catch a Train (Engine 54) (4:31)
19. Poop (Nigel 6) (2:43)
20. Closet (Six Feet Deep) (2:54)
21. Coffee Filters (Decepticonz) (2:53)
Total Playing Time: 73:47 (min:sec)
Total Size : 67,7 MB (70*936*518 bytes)
-=Va - Spawn of Skarmageddon - Vol 2=-

Artist : Various Artists
Album : Skarmageddon, Vol. 3: A New Beginning Disc 1
Year : 1997
Genre : -=Ska=--=Ska-Punk=--=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : 128K/s 44100Hz Stereo
Track Listing
1. Rude Boy Invasion (King 7 & The Soulsonics) (3:50)
2. Hecho-A-Mano (Robustos) (3:39)
3. Decade Revival Song (Buford O'Sullivan) (2:12)
4. Poetry in Motion (Highball Holiday) (3:15)
5. Starsky [Recorded Live on WDET] (The Articles) (4:40)
6. Molly (The Allentons) (2:31)
7. Rude Boys Rule [Live] (Spider Nick & the Maddogs) (2:39)
8. My Golden Love (Lord Steev & the Echos) (2:37)
9. Felix Culpa (Space Heaters) (3:22)
10. Osakis Football Rules (Lemon Merchants) (3:55)
11. Palabras (Greenhouse) (4:29)
12. Secret (Low Pressure) (2:17)
13. Skaramunga (Checkmate) (3:07)
14. The Rhino (Studebakers) (4:24)
15. Tommy No a Go Go (Monkey) (5:07)
16. Sonic (Norman Three-Sixty) (2:57)
17. Pizza Girl (Pro Midget Mafia) (3:16)
18. Little Bird (Skallicious) (2:44)
19. Go Fish (Solicitors) (2:11)
20. Little Girl from Outerspace (Spies Like Us) (3:31)
21. When It Gets Dark (Defactos) (4:36)
22. Chicago (DC Ska Orchestra) (3:04)
23. Doesn't Matter (Johnny Toobad) (3:48)
Total Playing Time: 78:20 (min:sec)
Total Size : 71,8 MB (75*320*159 bytes)
Artist : -=Va - Skarmageddon, A New Beginning - Vol 3=-
Album : Skarmageddon, Vol. 3: A New Beginning Disc 2
Track Listing
1. Rude Boy Invasion (King 7 & The Soulsonics) (3:50)
2. Hecho-A-Mano (Robustos) (3:39)
3. Decade Revival Song (Buford O'Sullivan) (2:12)
4. Poetry in Motion (Highball Holiday) (3:15)
5. Starsky [Recorded Live on WDET] (The Articles) (4:40)
6. Molly (The Allentons) (2:31)
7. Rude Boys Rule [Live] (Spider Nick & the Maddogs) (2:39)
8. My Golden Love (Lord Steev & the Echos) (2:37)
9. Felix Culpa (Space Heaters) (3:22)
10. Osakis Football Rules (Lemon Merchants) (3:55)
11. Palabras (Greenhouse) (4:29)
12. Secret (Low Pressure) (2:17)
13. Skaramunga (Checkmate) (3:07)
14. The Rhino (Studebakers) (4:24)
15. Tommy No a Go Go (Monkey) (5:07)
16. Sonic (Norman Three-Sixty) (2:57)
17. Pizza Girl (Pro Midget Mafia) (3:16)
18. Little Bird (Skallicious) (2:44)
19. Go Fish (Solicitors) (2:11)
20. Little Girl from Outerspace (Spies Like Us) (3:31)
21. When It Gets Dark (Defactos) (4:36)
22. Chicago (DC Ska Orchestra) (3:04)
23. Doesn't Matter (Johnny Toobad) (3:48)
Total Playing Time: 78:20 (min:sec)
Total Size : 71,8 MB (75*320*159 bytes)
-=Va - Skarmageddon, A New Beginning - Vol 3=-

Artist : -=Va - Skarmageddon, Armageddon Time! - Vol 4=-
Album : -=Va - Skarmageddon, Armageddon Time! - Disk 1=-
Year : 2009
Genre : -=Ska=--=Ska-Punk=--=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : 128K/s 44100Hz Stereo
Track Listing
1. Beat Girl (Main Title) (Kingpins) (2:09)
2. You Don't Know Jack (Step Lively) (3:02)
3. Noodles Bossanova in C Minor (One Too Many) (3:04)
4. A While (Dominant Seven) (4:34)
5. Window to Your Soul (Soulutions!) (3:15)
6. Sipping Sunshine (The Undercovers) (2:59)
7. Rude One (Judge Roughneck) (3:24)
8. Wise Man (Israelites) (4:03)
9. Pachanga (Skavossas) (3:09)
10. Bottle Cap (Squids) (2:29)
11. She's My Friend (The Chinkees) (1:50)
12. John Tesh (Norton's Imperial Guard) (2:26)
13. Prepare (Umbrella Bed) (3:29)
14. Hey You Little Boy (Late Shows) (2:43)
15. I Have to Say (Rocker T & the Version City Rockers) (2:58)
16. I Know (Infamous Gnomosexuals) (4:09)
17. Priceless (Upstanders) (3:21)
18. Great White North (Kinetics) (3:35)
19. Jack Friday (Radio Noise) (2:54)
20. Without You (Skadatel) (2:57)
21. Simple Things (Long Shot) (2:34)
22. 5 Shouts (Hollywood Rivals) (2:25)
23. The Fight (JFK & The Conspirators) (2:47)
Total Playing Time: 70:29 (min:sec)
Total Size : 64,6 MB (67*771*401 bytes)
Artist : -=Va - Skarmageddon, Armageddon Time! - Vol 4=-
Album : -=Va - Skarmageddon, Armageddon Time! - Disk 2=-
Track Listing
1. Fat Guy on My Head (Skabba The Hut) (2:36)
2. Green Eyes (Seven-To-One) (2:57)
3. Pirates (Deal's Gone Bad) (3:05)
4. Ecuador (Diablotones) (3:54)
5. Spoke Too Soon (Short Millie) (3:13)
6. Smokin' (Smokers) (2:52)
7. J.B. Haley Jr. (Blue Roots) (4:28)
8. Always the Same (OB 1) (3:16)
9. 9mm and a 3 Piece Suit (Catch 22) (1:58)
10. Whatchya Doin'? (Conehead Buddha) (4:05)
11. Another in Your Life (Slow Gherkin) (4:18)
12. 1985 (Bloom) (2:37)
13. So Damn Cool Derringers (3:01)
14. Itty Bitty White Lie (Freakin' Cads) (3:15)
15. Don't Turn Your Back (Crazy Baldhead) (2:39)
16. NST (Victor Rice) (3:19)
17. Kongo Drum Dub (Abdul Baki) (3:22)
Total Playing Time: 55:04 (min:sec)
Total Size : 50,5 MB (52*954*485 bytes)
-=Va - Skarmageddon, Armageddon Time! - Vol 4=-