Artist : Flip and the Combined Effort
Album : In Search of Home
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Bobalina (1:43)
2. Cooper (4:02)
3. FA 226 (3:21)
4. Find Yours (1:49)
5. In Spite of the System (3:06)
6. Life Goes On (3:10)
7. My Trips Home (Are Never a Vacation) (3:22)
8. No Hablo Espanol (4:22)
9. Not There Yet (4:08)
10. Sphere of Living (3:13)
11. Tempe, Arizona (3:19)
Total Playing Time: 35:41 (min:sec)
Total Size : 49,1 MB (51*448*533 bytes)
Flip and the Combined Effort----In Search of Home