Artist : Daltonicos
Album : Atomico
Year : 2011
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. Sera Muy Tarde (It will be too late) (3:21)
2. Te quedaste Sola (You stayed alone) (3:35)
3. Amotinada (Mutineer) (4:30)
4. Buscando (Looking for) (3:11)
5. Vainillas con Gancia (Ladyfingers whith Gancia) (3:58)
6. Pobrecitos (Little poor ones) (3:02)
7. Welcome to Tijuana Koslay (1:15)
8. Mi Ley (My Law) (4:28)
9. Solo y Daltonico (Alone & Daltonic) (3:52)
10. Escabiado (Drunk) (3:13)
11. Salpicar (Splash) (4:02)
12. Pensar en Vos (Think about you) (2:29)
13. 16 (3:49)
14. BDH (2:30)
Total Playing Time: 47:21 (min:sec)
Total Size : 112,1 MB (117*523*238 bytes)

Artist : Daltonicos
Album : Demo
Year : 2002
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. Nada para Elegir (Nothing to Choose) (3:35)
2. Para Comprender (To Understand) (4:19)
3. Que me partan como un Queso Fresco (Whoever break me as a fresh cheese) (1:40)
4. Carlitos (3:12)
5. 16 (4:28)
6. Dale Sol (Come on Sun) (4:18)
7. Recuerdos Asesinos (Killing Memories) (2:32)
8. No te Cruces... (Do not Cross) (2:05)
9. Borracho y Drogado (Drunk and Stoned) (3:38)
10. Quemado (Burned) (5:04)
11. BDH (2:23)
12. Vainillas con Gancia (Ladyfingers with Gancia) (3:52)
13. Buscando (Searching) (3:29)
14. Meloso (Mellow) (3:36)
15. Papa (Daddy) (1:59)
16. Sera Muy Tarde (It will be too late) (3:29)
17. El Papel (The Paper) (1:56)
18. La Viejita Chorra (The Old Lady Thief) (3:01)
19. Amotinada (Mutineer) (6:33)
20. Organizacion (Organization) (4:36)
Total Playing Time: 69:56 (min:sec)
Total Size : 161,9 MB (169*816*218 bytes)

Artist : Daltonicos
Album : La Salsa con La Que Seras Comido
Year : 2009
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. La Canita (The Little Reed) (2:04)
2. Cesar (Caesar) (4:43)
3. Izabel (Isobel) (3:46)
4. Recuerdos Asesinos (Killing Memories) (3:58)
5. Sin Reproches (No Regrets) (3:11)
6. Es igual (Is the same) (2:47)
7. La Traicion (Betrayal) (2:15)
8. El Show debe Acabar (Show must go off) (3:06)
9. Mas Vivo Mas Veloz (More Alive Faster) (4:08)
10. La Polizia (The Police) (1:34)
11. Dale Sol (Come on Sun) (3:30)
12. Desangrar (Drain) (4:04)
13. Llorando (Crying) (3:34)
14. Ven que estoy hirviendo (They see me boiling) (2:30)
15. Sucio y Desprolijo (Dirty and Careless) (2:53)
16. Jesucristo Garcia (Jesus Christ Garcia) (4:57)
Total Playing Time: 53:08 (min:sec)
Total Size : 125,7 MB (131*856*034 bytes)
Daltonicos----La Salsa con La Que Seras Comido

Artist : Daltonicos
Album : Toma
Year : 2005
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. Asimilar el Dolor (Assimilate Pain) (2:10)
2. Sin Alas (Without Wings) (4:27)
3. Salpicar (Splash) (4:44)
4. Solo y Daltonico (Alone & Daltonic) (4:08)
5. Yuyo (4:09)
6. Asesino (Killer) (5:26)
7. Mala Noche (Bad Night) (3:21)
8. Pobrecitos (Little poor ones) (4:14)
9. Sotana Atrevida (Bold Cassock) (3:21)
10. Quemado (Burned) (4:43)
11. Vainillas con Gancia (Ladyfingers with Gancia) (3:50)
12. Amotinada (Mutineer) (5:41)
13. Ay Kechup (6:44)
14. Gracias (Thank you) (7:09)
Total Playing Time: 64:15 (min:sec)
Total Size : 150,8 MB (158*164*777 bytes)