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3 Feet Short----Hypocritically Acclaimed
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3 Feet Short ---- Hypocritically Acclaimed
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среда, 4 декабря 2019 г.

Los Calzones

Los Calzones, es una banda argentina de ska, formada en Lomas de Zamora (sur de Buenos Aires) en 1988. Es una de las bandas más representativas en su país de este género musical conocido como Ska.
Los miembros de Los Calzones  comenzaron su actividad juntos en 1988, tocando en vivo en bares y centros públicos, covers de sus bandas favoritas, como Madness, Bad Manners, The Specials, The Skatalites y The Selecter y presentando algunos temas propios, como el picaresco “Cerveza Ska”.
En una gira de verano de 1989 se concretaron como banda independiente, creando su sello y estableciéndose como banda. En 1991 lanzan su disco homónimo, en la que la misma banda fue la que editó las canciones del álbum. El trabajo fue un éxito, se vendió una numerosa cantidad de unidades, y consiguieron ser editados por etiquetas alternativas en varios países.
Algunos de sus temas más recordados son: “Ska del Novio” y “Skabaret”. Aquel impacto los proyectó al interior del país, donde comenzaron a realizar giras.
Con el aumento de su popularidad, en 1993 lanzaron su segundo álbum: "Poporrompero", también editada por ellos, con temas notables como “Cuídate la Cola”, “Porrompompero” y “Todo lo que Duele”. En 1995, fue su gran paso, donde se consolidaron a escala definitiva tanto a nivel artístico como comercial, lanzaron un nuevo disco llamado “Jungla Ska”, realizando varios tours por el norte y sur de Argentina como Mendoza, Bariloche, etc.
Tuvieron gran convocatoria y además distribuyeron su edición por Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador y Colombia. Al año siguiente fueron invitados a la versión de 1996 del Festival de la Canción de Viña del Mar y tuvieron que ser aprobados por alrededor de 25.000 personas que siguieron su canciones y su visita por el país a posteriori.
En ese mismo año, decidieron hacer unos ajustes con su nombre, pasando a llamarse tan solo “calzones”. Aunque popularmente aún se siguen recordando con su antiguo nombre. En el verano del año 1997 editaron lo que sería su cuarto disco: “Aconcagua”. Para esto realizaron un viaje a Los Ángeles, Estados Unidos, donde contaron con la ayuda de Gustavo Borner, en los estudios N.R.G., Mad Dog y Rusk Sound. El disco se convirtió en el favorito de muchos programadores radiales y sale como favorito el hit “Te sigo”, dedicado a Diego Maradona. Este año los Calzones rotos realizan 184 conciertos en vivo.
En 1999, firmaron contrato con la compañía multinacional Polygram y con Sony. Viajaron nuevamente a Los Ángeles donde, en marzo, grabaron un nuevo álbum llamado “Mugre” con éxitos como "Milonga Ska" y “Levanten las copas”, que llegaron a ser parte de la cultura popular argentina de ese entonces. También este mismo año realizaron la tercera edición del "Guillatún Tour”, una suerte de homenaje a las culturas ancestrales argentinas y pasaron por Buenos Aires para compartir escenario con Bad Manners, una de las bandas más importantes y representantes del ska.
El año 2000 dio paso a su puesta en escena, ya que realizaron numerosos shows, y se calcula que unas 100 mil personas asistieron a los 20 conciertos por toda la Costa Atlántica Argentina. En la primera parte del "Guillatún 2001" los llevo por 17 provincias argentinas con 32 conciertos al aire libre con entrada liberada para las 250.000 personas. Otro hecho importante de la banda, fue cuando a fines de aquel año tocaron por primera vez en un recital programado y promocionado por radio y televisión en las Islas Malvinas, esto renovó las fuerzas y cargo las pilas para lanzar su nueva ambición, el disco “Plástico”, el cual fue grabado en los estudios Panda y Igloo (Los Ángeles), se trataba de plasmar un disco de covers del rock argentino, con la particularidad de presentar a un miembro original de la banda homenajeada en cada track. Así fue como desfilaron Gustavo Cerati, Andrés Calamaro, Daniel Melingo, y Stuka, entre otros. Este fue logrado editar España, en México, Chile, Perú, Colombia y Centro América. En febrero del 2002 parten de gira promocional a Chile, Perú, Colombia, Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, USA y México y logran una edición japonesa del disco en la que se incluyen dos bonus track de “Yo quiero morirme acá” tomado en vivo en las Islas Malvinas y de “Uno, Dos, Ultraviolento” en versión demo.
En el verano de 2003 despiden de “Plástico”, con el “Guillatún Solidario”, donde se juntaron alimentos no perecederos en cada una de las ciudades destinados a comedores escolares. En el mes de marzo realizan una nueva gira por USA, Puerto Rico y México hasta mediados de Mayo. Mientras tanto pre producen su séptimo disco “Frecuencia extrema” donde nuevamente se concentraron en los estudios Igloo Music a grabar junto a Gustavo Borner como ingeniero. El disco “Frecuencia Extrema” compuesto por 12 canciones, fue editado en mayo del 2004, alcanzó una nueva personalidad sonora, rompiendo con los patrones establecidos, dándole un giro a su estilo musical.
Promediando el año 2007 editan "Tanguito", grabado en el Igloo Music, en Los Ángeles, aquí se muestra desde el ska tradicional al reggae roots, pasando por una sintonía tanguera, punk, ritmos centroamericanos y una versatilidad al servicio de la música. Su primer corte de difusión: "Loco", cuenta con un dúo entre El Pingüino y la leyenda del under mexicano, Lila Downs.
2018 Regresan a la ciudad de México cerrando el reconocido Pepsi Ska Fest con un exito rotundo, actualmente se encuentran por editar nuevo material discográfico que sin duda los pondrá nuevamente en el mapa musical de Latino América.

Artist : Los Calzones
Album : Aconcagua (El Gobierno de las Tribus)
Year : 1997
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Aconcagua (3:20)
2. Compran Su Inocencia (4:00)
3. El Grito (2:21)
4. Gobierno de las Tribus (1:56)
5. La Sanata Colectiva (4:05)
6. Llegando a Vos (3:42)
7. Llevarte (3:54)
8. No Olvides (5:12)
9. Paz en Lo Alto (3:45)
10. Renovando Ilusiones (3:16)
11. Te Sigo (3:32)
12. Un Rey Ska (2:55)
Total Playing Time: 42:04 (min:sec)
Total Size : 57,8 MB (60*633*019 bytes)
Los Calzones----Aconcagua (El Gobierno de las Tribus)

Artist : Los Calzones
Album : Almas Radiactivas
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Almas Radiactivas (3:31)
Total Playing Time: 3:31 (min:sec)
Total Size : 4,9 MB (5*091*831 bytes)
Los Calzones----Almas Radiactivas

Artist : Los Calzones
Album : Caras y Caretas
Year : 2019
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Caras y Caretas (3:10)
Total Playing Time: 3:10 (min:sec)
Total Size : 4,4 MB (4*579*622 bytes)
Los Calzones----Caras y Caretas

Artist : Los Calzones
Album : Causa y Consecuencia
Year : 2019
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Causa y Consecuencia (2:46)
Total Playing Time: 2:46 (min:sec)
Total Size : 3,8 MB (3*992*807 bytes)
Los Calzones----Causa y Consecuencia

Artist : Los Calzones
Album : Chamuyo
Year : 2019
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Caras y Caretas (3:10)
2. Una Vela (3:24)
3. Te Quita y Te Da (2:50)
4. Almas Radiactivas (3:31)
5. La Tierra Acelera (2:50)
6. Causa y Consecuencia (2:46)
7. Nada Es Igual (3:59)
8. Garca (2:57)
9. Pasion (3:57)
10. Skapaz (3:29)
11. Despertar (3:41)
12. Ska Rules (3:21)
13. Riendome Asi (3:25)
Total Playing Time: 43:25 (min:sec)
Total Size : 104,0 MB (109*051*633 bytes)
Los Calzones----Chamuyo

Artist : Los Calzones
Album : Frecuencia Extrema
Year : 2004
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Diario de un Dia Diferente (3:27)
2. Himno Nacional Argentino (2:45)
3. La Felicidad (3:38)
4. Libre (3:56)
5. Mala Vida (3:18)
6. Mundo (3:46)
7. Satanica (3:43)
8. Si Vos No Estas (3:34)
9. SRSka (3:37)
10. Todos Te Prometen (2:47)
11. Un Hombre Simple (3:19)
12. Vuelvo (3:32)
Total Playing Time: 41:29 (min:sec)
Total Size : 57,0 MB (59*802*954 bytes)
Los Calzones----Frecuencia Extrema

Artist : Los Calzones
Album : Garca
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Garca (2:57)
Total Playing Time: 2:57 (min:sec)
Total Size : 4,1 MB (4*263*018 bytes)
Los Calzones----Garca

Artist : Los Calzones
Album : Jungla Ska
Year : 1995
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Abuso de Poder (3:06)
2. Amor y Dinero (2:58)
3. Caracol (3:28)
4. Djame Destapar (2:42)
5. Gente (2:53)
6. Jungla Ska (3:13)
7. No Se Para (2:28)
8. No Te Calles (3:01)
9. Pueden Decir (3:48)
10. Ska del Papanata (3:38)
11. Un Dia Volvere (3:46)
12. Y No Voy a Parar (3:53)
Total Playing Time: 38:58 (min:sec)
Total Size : 53,6 MB (56*177*365 bytes)
Los Calzones----Jungla Ska

Artist : Los Calzones
Album : La Tierra Acelera
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. La Tierra Acelera (2:50)
Total Playing Time: 2:50 (min:sec)
Total Size : 3,9 MB (4*098*760 bytes)
Los Calzones----La Tierra Acelera

Artist : Los Calzones
Album : Mugre
Year : 1999
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Dando Vueltas (2:57)
2. Doctor Ska (3:26)
3. La Vida Sigue Igual (3:05)
4. Levanten las Copas (3:30)
5. Los Pibes de la Paz (4:41)
6. Milonga Ska (3:55)
7. Mugre (3:01)
8. Noches de Pauelos Blancos (3:19)
9. Recuerdos (3:47)
10. Sangre en Sus Manos (2:45)
11. Sueos de Libertadi (2:51)
12. Violencia (3:25)
Total Playing Time: 40:46 (min:sec)
Total Size : 56,0 MB (58*764*742 bytes)
Los Calzones----Mugre

Artist : Los Calzones
Album : Nada Es Igual
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Nada Es Igual (3:59)
Total Playing Time: 3:59 (min:sec)
Total Size : 5,5 MB (5*742*593 bytes)
Los Calzones----Nada Es Igual

Artist : Los Calzones
Album : Pasion
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Pasion (3:57)
Total Playing Time: 3:57 (min:sec)
Total Size : 5,4 MB (5*697*454 bytes)
Los Calzones----Pasion

Artist : Los Calzones
Album : Plastico
Year : 2001
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Asi Es el Calor (2:44)
2. Criminales Sudamericanos (3:24)
3. El Rey (3:06)
4. Ella Vendra (4:08)
5. En la Ciudad de la Furia (5:29)
6. Hay Que Salir del Agujero Interior (2:25)
7. Jijiji (4:51)
8. Kanishka (2:57)
9. La Calles Es Su Lugar (4:19)
10. Llamada de TilcaraEl HumahuaquenoEl Toro (2:29)
11. No Te CallesYo Quiero Morirme Aca (2:50)
12. Rezo por Vos (4:36)
13. Uno Dos Ultraviolento (3:28)
Total Playing Time: 46:51 (min:sec)
Total Size : 64,4 MB (67*536*705 bytes)
Los Calzones----Plastico

Artist : Los Calzones
Album : Porrompomero
Year : 1993
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Ahora la Cerveza Me Hace Olvidar (3:21)
2. Anillaco No E Nesario (3:26)
3. Cudate la Cola (2:41)
4. Espia de la Noche (2:58)
5. Fuego Rojo (3:24)
6. Ladron Sin Destino (2:56)
7. Mi Novia Tiene Mal Aliento (4:26)
8. Porrompompero (3:04)
9. Reggae del Mundo Moderno (4:08)
10. Seco de Vientre (2:56)
11. Sexy 78 (2:46)
12. Todo Lo Que Duele (3:19)
Total Playing Time: 39:32 (min:sec)
Total Size : 54,3 MB (56*985*489 bytes)
Los Calzones----Porrompomero

Artist : Los Calzones
Album : Riendome Asi
Year : 2019
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Riendome Asi (3:25)
Total Playing Time: 3:25 (min:sec)
Total Size : 4,7 MB (4*926*946 bytes)
Los Calzones----Riendome Asi

Artist : Los Calzones
Album : Tanguito
Year : 2007
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Cieguito (3:26)
2. Coqueta (2:52)
3. Culocracia (3:36)
4. El Cuento del Tio (3:39)
5. El Sabor del Encuentro (3:50)
6. La Mezquindad (3:15)
7. Loco (4:07)
8. No Rompa los Huevos (3:14)
9. Nunca (3:44)
10. Para No Volver (3:02)
11. Revolucion (4:19)
12. Rueda (3:54)
13. Tanguito (3:47)
Total Playing Time: 46:51 (min:sec)
Total Size : 64,4 MB (67*522*286 bytes)
Los Calzones----Tanguito

Artist : Los Calzones
Album : Te Quita y Te D
Year : 2019
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Te Quita y Te Da (2:50)
Total Playing Time: 2:50 (min:sec)
Total Size : 3,9 MB (4*106*910 bytes)
Los Calzones----Te Quita y Te D

Artist : Los Calzones
Album : Una Vela
Year : 2019
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Una Vela (3:24)
Total Playing Time: 3:24 (min:sec)
Total Size : 4,7 MB (4*901*868 bytes)
Los Calzones----Una Vela

вторник, 3 декабря 2019 г.

La Baska

La Baska se forma en 1993 por Daniel en la guitarra, Anselmo "Chemo" en la batería, Servando en el Bajo, y Oscar en la voz, con la finalidad de expresar opiniones socio-políticas. En el mismo año se graba el primer demo Bellas Tradiciones, y al siguiente año el segundo No Hay Evolución. En 1996 se entra a grabar en un estudio del Distrito Federal su primer CD con el titulo de El Gachupín, editado y distribuido por Discos Suicidas en México y España.

Artist : La Baska
Album : El Gachupin
Year : 1997
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Tumba el Muro (3:05)
2. Guardia Mundial (1:34)
3. El Gachupin (3:29)
4. Paseo Azulado (3:07)
5. Malicia en el Pais de las Maravillas (2:35)
6. Posers (1:52)
7. El Parque (4:19)
8. Taboo (4:26)
9. Gritamos Victoria (3:19)
10. Bellas Tradiciones (3:53)
Total Playing Time: 31:44 (min:sec)
Total Size : 73,4 MB (76*975*076 bytes)
La Baska----El Gachupin

La Burundanga

Banda de Ska-Fusión de Tepic, Nayarit, Constantes y Sonantes!

Artist : La Burundanga
Album : Apocalipsis
Year : 2018
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Sin Prisiones (3:36)
2. La Vida Es Simple (2:15)
3. Cada Camino (3:38)
4. El Cielo No Basta (2:29)
5. Usted (3:31)
6. Apocalipsis (3:24)
Total Playing Time: 18:55 (min:sec)
Total Size : 43,6 MB (45*729*108 bytes)
La Burundanga----Apocalipsis

Artist : La Burundanga
Album : Constante Y Sonante
Year : 2017
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Intro (2:16)
2. El Local (3:56)
3. Deten La Noche (3:53)
4. Survivor (2:47)
5. Cerveza Y Tu (8:10)
6. Consciente (2:58)
7. Estare (3:28)
8. Una Vez Mas (3:54)
9. Suenos (3:54)
10. La Lista a Olvidar (2:15)
11. El Mejor Lugar (2:48)
12. Las Cuerdas Y Un Papel (4:30)
Total Playing Time: 44:53 (min:sec)
Total Size : 103,3 MB (108*302*824 bytes)
La Burundanga----Constante Y Sonante

La Cizana

Artist : La Cizana
Album : Version 2.0
Year : 2019
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. 8-16 bit (3:53)
2. Amiga (3:48)
3. Corazon vacio (3:23)
4. El 5 varos (3:14)
5. El Sr. Kastor (3:24)
6. Frijoles saltarines (2:36)
7. No me importa (2:25)
8. Peligro (3:40)
9. Sherezada (2:40)
10. Tres (3:26)
11. Version 2.0 (3:35)
12. Volver a empezar (4:10)
13. Yo no soy (2:50)
Total Playing Time: 43:10 (min:sec)
Total Size : 40,1 MB (42*053*074 bytes)
La Cizana----Version 2.0

La Familia // Kick-Ass-Ska

Artist : La Familia // Kick-Ass-Ska
Album : Demo 2013
Year : 2013
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. What?s With You? (4:00)
Total Playing Time: 4:00 (min:sec)
Total Size : 9,2 MB (9*655*221 bytes)
La Familia // Kick-Ass-Ska----Demo 2013

Artist : La Familia // Kick-Ass-Ska
Album : Freedownload EP
Year : 2010
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Don?t Cha (3:44)
Total Playing Time: 3:44 (min:sec)
Total Size : 8,7 MB (9*146*533 bytes)
La Familia // Kick-Ass-Ska----Freedownload EP

Artist : La Familia // Kick-Ass-Ska
Album : Freundschaftspfeife (2012)
Year : 2012
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Happy That You?re Gone (2:26)
2. No Way Out (2:26)
3. Straight Ahead (3:39)
4. Ordinary Girl (2:46)
Total Playing Time: 11:18 (min:sec)
Total Size : 26,5 MB (27*781*441 bytes)
La Familia // Kick-Ass-Ska----Freundschaftspfeife (2012)

Artist : La Familia // Kick-Ass-Ska
Album : Ska Sucks!
Year : 2017
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Ska Sucks! (2:26)
2. No Escape (2:52)
3. Western Values (1:39)
4. What Do You Want For Concert? (3:24)
5. Beercules (1:44)
6. Snake Attack (3:11)
7. Two Years, Three Months (2:53)
8. What?s With You? (3:57)
Total Playing Time: 22:10 (min:sec)
Total Size : 51,7 MB (54*165*690 bytes)
La Familia // Kick-Ass-Ska----Ska Sucks!

Artist : La Familia // Kick-Ass-Ska
Album : YOLO-EP
Year : 2015
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. When There Are Wolves (1:17)
2. Society Down (3:51)
3. Booty Sweat (2:55)
4. Definition Of Kick-Ass-Ska (3:21)
Total Playing Time: 11:26 (min:sec)
Total Size : 26,9 MB (28*220*426 bytes)
La Familia // Kick-Ass-Ska----YOLO-EP

La Rural

Artist : La Rural
Album : Ley de Atraccion
Year : 2016
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Yo Se Que Me Mientes (3:35)
2. Somos Iguales (3:30)
3. Tal para Cual (4:01)
4. No Hablemos de Amor (3:27)
Total Playing Time: 14:35 (min:sec)
Total Size : 35,6 MB (37*363*095 bytes)
La Rural----Ley de Atraccion

Artist : La Rural
Album : Lo que no cura el tiempo
Year : 2015
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Volverte Loca (3:20)
2. No me duele (3:08)
3. Va a ser mejor (3:08)
4. Hace Falta (3:04)
5. Maria Cristina (3:52)
Total Playing Time: 16:32 (min:sec)
Total Size : 41,6 MB (43*658*011 bytes)
La Rural----Lo que no cura el tiempo

La Ska Brass

Artist : La Ska Brass
Album : Dejando Huella
Year : 2015
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Cantando (3:09)
2. Condenados a la Extincin (4:03)
3. El Dedo (3:29)
4. El Pistolero (2:27)
5. El Tren (2:54)
6. Hierba Vieja (3:10)
7. Intro (0:44)
8. Mochos dEsquadra (3:52)
9. No Vull Pagar (1:08)
10. Pan y Circo (3:07)
11. Que Vamos a Hacer (3:43)
12. Tango (4:11)
Total Playing Time: 36:03 (min:sec)
Total Size : 49,6 MB (51*982*517 bytes)
La Ska Brass----Dejando Huella

Artist : La Ska Brass
Album : El Pais de los Ciegos
Year : 2016
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Secta Ska (3:51)
2. Santa Tradicion (3:36)
3. Mi Exnovia Cadaver (3:57)
4. El Pais de los Ciegos (4:09)
5. No Existira Perdon (3:19)
6. Cerca de Ti (4:51)
7. Su Bandera (3:32)
8. Algo No Va Bien (3:44)
9. Reyes y Peones (3:49)
10. Solo Quiero (3:33)
11. Tonto Comercial (6:39)
Total Playing Time: 45:05 (min:sec)
Total Size : 103,8 MB (108*841*005 bytes)
La Ska Brass----El Pais de los Ciegos

La Tomasa

Artist : La Tomasa
Album : Trece
Year : 2018
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Descontrolado (2:35)
2. En Fuego (4:07)
3. La Cruda (3:45)
4. Calafia Surf Ska (3:56)
5. Independiente Autonomo (4:32)
6. Skachanilla (3:42)
Total Playing Time: 22:38 (min:sec)
Total Size : 53,9 MB (56*562*142 bytes)
La Tomasa----Trece

La traviata

Artist : La traviata
Album : Tratos/Retratos
Year : 2018
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Intro T.V.T. (0:33)
2. Un dia como otros (3:17)
3. El aire (2:42)
4. El poder y el hambre (2:59)
5. La calle (3:33)
6. Puedes vender (3:25)
7. Voy a tomar (3:18)
8. O.G.T. (3:23)
9. Doble moral (3:34)
10. Quiero saber (3:44)
Total Playing Time: 30:34 (min:sec)
Total Size : 28,0 MB (29*402*185 bytes)
La traviata----Tratos/Retratos

La Tremenda Korte

Artist : La Tremenda Korte
Album : Alerta
Year : 2015
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. ?Alerta! (0:38)
2. No Morire (3:40)
3. La Milpa De La Desolacion (feat. Juantxo Skalari) (4:16)
4. Despierta (3:23)
5. Jamaica Ska (feat. Martin "Moska" Lorenzo & Tono Quirazco) (3:39)
6. Nino Cyborg (3:20)
7. Que Es el Amor (feat. Los Liquits) (3:13)
8. Cumbias Tristes (3:23)
9. 100 Noches (2:55)
10. La Noche de la Verguenza (feat. Sax Maldito) (3:25)
11. Dulce Dolor (3:18)
12. Hasta Que el Cuerpo Aguante (feat. Luis Haragan) (3:25)
13. Me Encanto Conocerte (feat. Sax Maldito) (3:51)
14. Cuento de Hadas (feat. Tania Melo) (3:33)
15. Aunque Ahora Hay Silencio (feat. Chris Murray) (4:51)
Total Playing Time: 50:57 (min:sec)
Total Size : 117,3 MB (122*990*631 bytes)
La Tremenda Korte----Alerta

Artist : La Tremenda Korte
Album : Jamaica Ska
Year : 2014
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~0K/s
Track Listing
1. Jamaica Ska (Feat. Tono Quirazco & Martin Mosca Lorenzo) (3:40)
2. La Noche De La Verguenza (Feat. Sax "Malditos Cocodrilos") (3:26)
Total Playing Time: 7:07 (min:sec)
Total Size : 6,7 MB (6*981*486 bytes)
La Tremenda Korte----Jamaica Ska

Artist : La Tremenda Korte
Album : La Rebelion
Year : 2011
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Rebelion en la Granja (4:00)
2. Y la Recuerdo de Ayer (4:32)
3. No Quiero Quedarme Solo (3:49)
4. La Kajita (4:23)
5. Vivito y Coleando (5:05)
6. Sb 666 (2:07)
7. Skalextric (2:52)
8. El Demonio Me Persigue (3:57)
9. No Paro de Fumar (4:00)
10. Bomberman (3:29)
11. Tres Minutos (4:01)
Total Playing Time: 42:22 (min:sec)
Total Size : 97,3 MB (102*057*865 bytes)
La Tremenda Korte----La Rebelion

Artist : La Tremenda Korte
Album : Tremendamente
Year : 2019
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Tremendamente Indestructibles (3:45)
2. Enfermo Estacional (3:14)
3. Dominar Tu Sonrisa (3:42)
4. Mezcal (3:15)
5. Intoxicado (4:10)
6. Traspasando el Sol (3:38)
7. Perfume de Gardenias (3:35)
8. Colchon Viejo (4:00)
9. Tremendo Desorden (4:12)
Total Playing Time: 33:34 (min:sec)
Total Size : 82,4 MB (86*426*418 bytes)
La Tremenda Korte----Tremendamente

Artist : La Tremenda Korte
Album : Venga La Sentencia
Year : 1999
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Condenado a Muerte (3:31)
2. Veneno (3:18)
3. Por Nefasto (2:48)
4. Wako (4:54)
5. Casimiro Miramontes (4:25)
6. Tres Patines (2:38)
7. Usurero Mundial (3:59)
8. Llorar (3:40)
9. El Senor de Arriba (3:02)
10. Manos Cruzadas (3:35)
11. El Principe Leon (4:59)
12. Alma Liquida (4:50)
13. Cine Star (2:52)
14. Alicia (3:15)
Total Playing Time: 51:53 (min:sec)
Total Size : 119,9 MB (125*674*213 bytes)
La Tremenda Korte----Venga La Sentencia

L'Accord de Raide

Toujours plus rock ! Toujours plus ska ! Toujours plus punk ! Voilà ce qui défini aujourd’hui la musique de l’Accord de Raide.
Formé en 2007 au gré des rencontres et des amitiés, l’Accord de Raide ne manque jamais une occasion de partager son énergie et son goût prononcé pour la fête.
Sa première démo - [Lakordered] - sortie en 2010, annonce la couleur : du rock festif aussi puissant qu’entraînant.
Suivra en avril 2013 la sortie de son premier album - Funambules - qui l’emmènera silloner les scènes régionales et nationales, confirmant ainsi le caractère bien trempé du groupe, taillé pour la scène où ces huit bambochards s’amusent à faire bouger les foules.
Porté par deux voix infatigables, deux guitares percutantes, une base rythmique implacable et des cuivres entrainants, l’Accord de Raide revient dans les bacs en septembre 2015 avec un nouvel EP 6 titres.
A nouveau les influences s’entremêlent, les «raides» sont plus que jamais prêts à entrainer un public toujours plus nombreux dans ses folles virées !

Artist : L'Accord de Raide
Album : 40Emes rugissants... 50Emes hurlants
Year : 2015
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Jolly Roger (5:09)
2. Don Quichotte (5:12)
3. Les evades (4:30)
4. No-Mad (4:46)
5. Radiant Child (5:23)
6. Petit Gilles (5:13)
Total Playing Time: 30:14 (min:sec)
Total Size : 69,6 MB (73*013*248 bytes)
L'Accord de Raide----40Emes rugissants... 50Emes hurlants

Artist : L'accord de raide
Album : Demo [lakordered]
Year : 2010
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Il va pleuvoir (3:01)
2. Polka transsexuelle (2:33)
3. Funky junky party (2:53)
4. Stinsus Richardson?x8 (3:45)
5. La-bas (4:06)
6. Le chiffre (5:45)
Total Playing Time: 22:05 (min:sec)
Total Size : 51,1 MB (53*604*601 bytes)
L'accord de raide----Demo [lakordered]

Artist : L'Accord de Raide
Album : Funambules
Year : 2013
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Le chiffre (5:58)
2. Complainte cardiaque (3:31)
3. Addiction (5:03)
4. Les vautours (6:05)
5. Peaux-rouges (5:51)
6. Revolution (4:36)
7. Mister Jack (6:32)
8. Pas le temps (5:47)
9. J'garde le sourire (4:03)
Total Playing Time: 47:29 (min:sec)
Total Size : 109,2 MB (114*553*561 bytes)
L'Accord de Raide----Funambules

Le Iene

Artist : Le Iene
Album : Immaginazione
Year : 2019
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Intro (1:04)
2. Un nuovo traguardo (3:18)
3. Spiega le tue vele (4:27)
4. Una chiamata persa (3:37)
5. Immaginazione (4:14)
6. FCGD (1:49)
7. Popoli e zanzare (3:33)
8. Nella mia citta (3:07)
9. Eroi (3:55)
10. Cervellino (3:08)
11. Non per noi (5:16)
12. Ci si abituera (6:05)
Total Playing Time: 43:39 (min:sec)
Total Size : 180,3 MB (189*035*657 bytes)
Le Iene----Immaginazione

Legal Disaster

Artist : Legal Disaster
Album : Acoustic EP
Year : 2016
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Self Condemned (2:11)
2. No Complaints (4:42)
3. 211 (3:07)
4. Don't See (5:16)
5. Moonwalk Mafia (INDK cover) (4:16)
Total Playing Time: 19:34 (min:sec)
Total Size : 45,2 MB (47*440*085 bytes)
Legal Disaster----Acoustic EP

Artist : Legal Disaster
Album : Demos, Acoustic, and Live
Year : 2016
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Serene Dreams of You and Morphine (live at DNA Lounge 6/5/16) (1:39)
2. Self-Condemned (live at DNA Lounge 6/5/16) (1:51)
3. 211 (live at DNA Lounge 6/5/16) (2:52)
4. Don't See (live at DNA Lounge 6/5/16) (4:34)
5. No Complaints (live at The Phoenix Theater 9/8/17) (4:07)
6. No Point/Noise Complaint/You've Been Told (live at The Phoenix Theater 9/8/17) (5:11)
7. Drinkin' Alone (acoustic demo) (2:41)
8. 211 (acoustic) (live at Steve's house) (2:44)
9. Crystal Rock Steady (acoustic) (Live at Steve's house) (3:49)
10. Cigarettes (acoustic) (live on top of the Keller St. parking garage) (2:21)
11. Question Yourself (demo) (4:05)
12. Noise Complaint (demo) (1:39)
Total Playing Time: 37:39 (min:sec)
Total Size : 87,5 MB (91*728*739 bytes)
Legal Disaster----Demos, Acoustic, and Live

Artist : Legal Disaster
Album : Drugged on War EP
Year : 2018
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Cigarettes (2:54)
2. Drinkin' Alone (2:54)
3. Open Your Eyes (3:22)
4. Self-Condemned (2:04)
5. Serene Dreams of You and Morphine (1:48)
6. We Are The USA (5:29)
Total Playing Time: 18:32 (min:sec)
Total Size : 26,7 MB (28*001*183 bytes)
Legal Disaster----Drugged on War EP

Artist : Legal Disaster
Album : Self-Condemned Single
Year : 2017
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Self-Condemned (2:04)
Total Playing Time: 2:04 (min:sec)
Total Size : 5,0 MB (5*284*930 bytes)
Legal Disaster----Self-Condemned Single

Artist : Legal Disaster
Album : We Are The USA Single
Year : 2018
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. We Are The USA (5:29)
Total Playing Time: 5:29 (min:sec)
Total Size : 12,7 MB (13*357*320 bytes)
Legal Disaster----We Are The USA Single

Less Than Jake

 Although formed in 1992 as a power pop trio with heavy punk leanings, Less Than Jake steadily transformed into a ska-inspired punk band with the addition of a horn section. Vocalist/guitarist Chris Demakes, bassist Shaun, and drummer/lyricist Vinnie Fiorello formed the first incarnation of the group, which took root in Gainesville, Florida. After Shaun became the group's roadie, however, he was replaced by bassist Roger Manganelli, who picked up the instrument just to join the band. During 1993-1994, the group added its first horn player, Jessica Mills, and soon after came trombone player Buddy Schaub. Right before their first tour, however, Schaub went to Europe with friends, so saxophonist Derron Nuhfer filled in for shows during his absence.

With various 7" releases under their belt, Less Than Jake debuted in 1994 with the album Pezcore, on Dill Records. Losers, Kings & Things We Don't Understand and Greased followed on No Idea, and the group signed with Capitol for its major-label debut, 1996's Losing Streak. The album was full of the band's wry, fast-paced brand of ska-punk anthems, producing such fan favorites as "Johnny Quest Thinks We're Sellouts" and "Jen Doesn't Like Me Anymore." Upon the album's completion, Jessica left to pursue teaching, and (ex-Slapstick trombonist) Pete came on board. Around this time, Fiorello also started his own record label, Fueled by Ramen, with friend John Janick. Hello Rockview followed in 1998, and spawned a minor college radio hit with "History of a Boring Town." In fall 2000, the band released Borders & Boundaries on Fat Wreck, as well as landing the opening spot on Bon Jovi's North American tour.

Goodbye Blue and White
Nuhfer left the band after the album's recording (and later went on to join Gunmoll), and Less Than Jake found his replacement in ex-Spring Heel Jack horn player Pete Wasilewski -- though to avoid any name confusion within the band, the second Pete was dubbed JR, and remained JR even after the first Pete decided to leave soon after the 2001 Warped Tour. Over the years, Less Than Jake issued more 7" and limited-edition vinyl releases than most people can keep track of, so the bandmembers compiled some of their favorite tracks on one record for 2002's Goodbye Blue and White, named in honor of their original tour van. Anthem followed in 2003 on Sire; B Is for B-Sides was issued a year later, comprised of tracks that didn't make it to Anthem's final cut. The DVD retrospective People's History of Less Than Jake appeared a month later. The four-song EP Absolution for Idiots and Addicts was released in April 2006, with their next full-length, In with the Out Crowd, following a month later. The latter album's slicker, more pop-oriented nature received mixed reactions from fans. In 2007, Less Than Jake announced that they had left Warner Bros.; a year later, the group formed the Sleep It Off label and released GNV FLA, an album loosely based on (and dedicated to) their hometown. Their ninth album, See the Light, arrived in the fall of 2013. Their fondness for the EP format saw them release the seven-track Sound the Alarm in 2017.

Artist : less than jake
Album : Live from Astoria
Year : 2016
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. My Very Own Flag (Live) (4:32)
2. Ask the Magic 8 Ball (Live) (2:36)
3. Kehoe (Live) (3:41)
4. Sugar in Your Gas Tank (Live) (2:54)
5. Magnetic North (Live) (2:57)
6. Just Like Frank (Live) (2:37)
7. Help Save the Youth of America from Exploding (Live) (2:47)
8. Nervous in the Alley (Live) (3:43)
9. Look What Happened (Live) (3:21)
10. How's My Driving Doug Hastings (Live) (2:07)
11. Happy Man (Live) (2:06)
12. 9th at Pine (Live) (1:59)
13. Johnny Quest Thinks We're Sellouts (Live) (2:51)
14. Never Going Back to New Jersey (Live) (3:23)
15. Pete Jackson Is Getting Married (Live) (1:57)
16. All My Best Friends Are Metal Heads (Live) (3:21)
17. Anchor (Live) (1:37)
18. Suburban Myth (Live) (2:10)
19. Automatic (Live) (3:45)
20. Gainesville Rock City (Live) (6:18)
21. Last One out of Liberty City (Live) (2:53)
Total Playing Time: 63:44 (min:sec)
Total Size : 146,0 MB (153*079*501 bytes)
less than jake----Live from Astoria

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Sound the Alarm
Year : 2017
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Call to Arms (2:39)
2. Whatever the Weather (3:03)
3. Bomb Drop (3:09)
4. Welcome to My Life (2:46)
5. Good Sign (3:31)
6. Years of Living Dangerously (3:11)
7. Things Change (2:51)
Total Playing Time: 21:13 (min:sec)
Total Size : 49,4 MB (51*773*973 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Sound the Alarm

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Absolution for idiots and addicts
Year : 2006
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Overrated (3:13)
2. Negative side of optimistic eyes (2:38)
3. We, the uninspired (2:06)
4. The rest of my life (3:32)
Total Playing Time: 11:31 (min:sec)
Total Size : 26,4 MB (27*665*359 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Absolution for idiots and addicts

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Acoustic Radio Session at Pinkpop Festival
Year : 2004
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~178K/s
Track Listing
1. short interview (1:52)
2. Welcome to the New South (acoustic) (2:54)
3. Ghosts of Me and You (acoustic) (3:38)
4. Look What Happened (acoustic) (3:07)
Total Playing Time: 11:33 (min:sec)
Total Size : 17,5 MB (18*341*161 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Acoustic Radio Session at Pinkpop Festival

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Acoustic Songs Collection
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. All My Friends are Metalheads (Acoustic) (2:52)
2. Conviction Notice (Acoustic) (2:26)
3. Does The Lion City Still Roar (Acoustic) (2:39)
4. Ghosts Of You And Me (Acoustic) (3:17)
5. History of a Boring Town (Acoustic) (3:42)
6. Hows My Driving Doug Hastings (Acoustic) (1:21)
7. Look What Happened (Acoustic) (3:28)
8. Look What Happened (Acoustic Version 2) (2:52)
9. Portrait (Acoustic) (3:24)
10. Sleep It Off (Acoustic) (2:48)
11. Soundtrack of Our Lives (Acoustic) (2:47)
12. Suburban Myth (Acoustic) (2:13)
13. Welcome To The New South (Acoustic) (2:27)
Total Playing Time: 36:22 (min:sec)
Total Size : 41,5 MB (43*526*939 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Acoustic Songs Collection

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : All My Best Friends Are Metalheads 7"
Year : 2000
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. All My Best Friends Are Metalheads (Radio Edit) (3:27)
2. Help Save The Youth Of America From Exploding (Live) (3:23)
3. Rock And Roll Pizzeria (Live) (2:14)
Total Playing Time: 9:06 (min:sec)
Total Size : 24,0 MB (25*178*920 bytes)
Less Than Jake----All My Best Friends Are Metalheads 7"

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : American Idle (Single)
Year : 2013
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. American Idle (3:27)
2. Late Night Petroleum (2:21)
Total Playing Time: 5:49 (min:sec)
Total Size : 13,3 MB (13*974*553 bytes)
Less Than Jake----American Idle (Single)

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Anthem
Year : 2003
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Best Wishes To Your Black Lung (2:54)
2. Escape from The A-Bomb House (3:32)
3. Look What Happened (3:06)
4. Motown Never Sounded So Good (2:38)
5. Plastic Cup Politics (2:17)
6. She's Gonna Break Soon (3:14)
7. Short Fuse Burning (2:19)
8. Surrender (3:43)
9. That's Why They Call It A Union (3:03)
10. The Brightest Bulb Has Burned Out/Screws Fall Out (4:54)
11. The Ghosts Of Me And You (3:21)
12. The Science Of Selling Yourself Short (3:07)
13. The Upwards War And The Down Turned Cycle (2:59)
14. Welcome To The New South (2:46)
Total Playing Time: 44:01 (min:sec)
Total Size : 100,8 MB (105*708*751 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Anthem

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : B is for B-Sides
Year : 2004
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. A.S.A.O.K. (2:08)
2. Bridge and Tunnel Authority (3:28)
3. Goodbye in Gasoline (2:33)
4. Jay Frenzal (1:16)
5. Last Rites To Sleepless Nights (2:18)
6. National Anthem (2:13)
7. Nine-one-one To Anyone (2:22)
8. Portrait of a Cigarette Smoker (3:16)
9. Robots One, Humans Zero (2:42)
10. Showbiz Science Who Cares (2:21)
11. Sleep It Off (2:25)
12. Sobriety is a Serious Business and Business Isn't So Good (0:47)
Total Playing Time: 27:53 (min:sec)
Total Size : 63,9 MB (66*989*972 bytes)
Less Than Jake----B is for B-Sides

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : B-Sides Remix
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Portrait Of A Cigarette Smoker At 19 (2:05)
2. Sleep It Off (1:35)
3. Bridge And Tunnel Authority (3:19)
4. National Anthem (1:55)
5. Goodbye In Gasoline (3:41)
6. Last Rites To Sleepless Nights (3:40)
7. Showbiz? Science? Who Cares? (2:36)
8. Jay Frenzal (1:13)
9. Nine-One-One To Anyone (2:24)
10. Robots One, Humans Zero (2:28)
Total Playing Time: 25:02 (min:sec)
Total Size : 57,4 MB (60*203*256 bytes)
Less Than Jake----B-Sides Remix

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Better Class of Losers Demo Tape
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Liquor Store (3:51)
2. Shotgun (3:36)
3. Big (3:01)
4. 24 Hours In Paramus (3:08)
5. Down In the Mission (2:42)
6. St. James Hotel (4:08)
Total Playing Time: 20:28 (min:sec)
Total Size : 18,8 MB (19*698*669 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Better Class of Losers Demo Tape

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Bootleg A Bootleg, You Cut Out The Middleman/Live In Las Vegas
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~231K/s
Track Listing
1. Automatic (2:47)
2. Happyman / 9th At Pine (3:55)
3. Johnny Quest Thinks We're Sellouts (3:00)
4. Lockdown (2:45)
5. Leverne And Shirley (0:53)
6. Shindo (2:15)
7. Liquor Store (2:46)
8. Jen (2:52)
9. Big (2:43)
10. Sugar In Your Gas Tank (2:05)
11. Rock-N-Roll Pizzeria (2:15)
12. We're Not Gonna Take It (2:29)
13. Time And 1/2 On 2nd Ave And 6th St / Econolodged (5:15)
Total Playing Time: 36:05 (min:sec)
Total Size : 60,1 MB (63*053*853 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Bootleg A Bootleg, You Cut Out The Middleman/Live In Las Vegas

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Borders & Boundaries
Year : 2000
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. 1989 (2:27)
2. Bad Scene at a Basement (2:38)
3. Bigger Picture (2:04)
4. Faction (4:07)
5. Gainesville Rick City (3:07)
6. Hell Looks a Lot Like LA (2:13)
7. Is This Thing on (3:06)
8. Kehoe (3:01)
9. Last Hour Of The Last Day Of Work (3:17)
10. Look What Happened (3:34)
11. Magnetic North (2:59)
12. Malt Liquor Tastes Better (2:24)
13. Mr Chevy Celebrity (1:42)
14. Pete Jackson Is Getting (1:54)
15. Suburban Myth (2:25)
Total Playing Time: 41:06 (min:sec)
Total Size : 94,2 MB (98*740*371 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Borders & Boundaries

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Borders & Boundaries (Reissue)
Year : 2012
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Magnetic North (2:59)
2. Kehoe (3:01)
3. Suburban Myth (2:25)
4. Look What Happened (3:34)
5. Hell Looks a Lot Like L.A. (2:13)
6. Mr. Chevy Celebrity (1:42)
7. Gainesville Rock City (3:07)
8. Malt Liquor Tastes Better When You've Got Problems (2:24)
9. Bad Scene and a Basement Show (2:38)
10. Is This Thing On? (3:06)
11. Pete Jackson is Getting Married (1:54)
12. 1989 (2:27)
13. Last Hour of the Last Day of Work (3:17)
14. Bigger Picture (2:41)
15. Faction (3:30)
16. Suburban Myth (Demo) (2:22)
17. Magnetic North (Demo) (3:01)
18. Hell Looks a Lot Like L.A. (Demo) (1:31)
Total Playing Time: 48:02 (min:sec)
Total Size : 110,0 MB (115*363*782 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Borders & Boundaries (Reissue)

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Crash Course In Being An Assho
Year : 199x
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Your Love (1:20)
2. Teenager in Love (1:26)
3. Freeze Frame (2:28)
Total Playing Time: 5:15 (min:sec)
Total Size : 7,2 MB (7*586*232 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Crash Course In Being An Assho

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Do the Math
Year : 2014
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Do The Math (3:14)
2. Connect The Dots (2:31)
Total Playing Time: 5:46 (min:sec)
Total Size : 14,3 MB (14*944*347 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Do the Math

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : G-Man Training Target 7"
Year : 1997
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Three's Company (0:35)
2. Happy Days (1:01)
3. The Dukes of Hazzard (0:36)
4. The Jeffersons (0:53)
Total Playing Time: 3:07 (min:sec)
Total Size : 2,9 MB (3*034*802 bytes)
Less Than Jake----G-Man Training Target 7"

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Goodbye blue & white
Year : 2002
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Modern world (2:03)
2. Losing streak (1:56)
3. Mixology of Tom Collins (2:06)
4. I think i love you (2:04)
5. Son of Dick (1:28)
6. Teenager in love (1:32)
7. Freeze frame (2:29)
8. Your love (1:27)
9. Hamburger hop (0:49)
10. Scott Farcus takes it on the chin (2:45)
11. Descant (1:48)
12. The reflex (3:14)
13. Evil has no boundaries (2:08)
14. Antichrist (1:41)
15. Cheese (1:21)
16. Mississippi mud (0:24)
17. Grandma got run over by a reindeer (2:06)
18. Rock and roll pizzeria (1:54)
19. We're not gonna take it (1:46)
20. How's my driving doug hastings (live) (1:29)
21. Johnny quest thinks we're sellouts (live) (3:14)
22. Sugar in your gastank (live) (2:02)
23. Laverne and shirley (live) (0:50)
24. KROQ song (0:23)
Total Playing Time: 43:11 (min:sec)
Total Size : 99,0 MB (103*792*567 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Goodbye blue & white

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Greased
Year : 1996
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Summer nights (1:53)
2. You're the one i want (2:10)
3. Look at me, i'm Sandra Dee (1:01)
4. Greased lightnin' (2:28)
5. Hopelessly devoted to you (2:13)
6. Blue moon (1:37)
7. Beauty school dropout (2:16)
8. We go together (1:45)
Total Playing Time: 15:27 (min:sec)
Total Size : 35,4 MB (37*149*775 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Greased

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Greetings & Salutations
Year : 2012
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. The New Auld Lang Syne (3:35)
2. Younger Lungs (3:12)
3. Goodbye, Mr. Personality (3:29)
4. A Return to Headphones (2:48)
5. Harvey Wallbanger (3:05)
6. Flag Holders Union (2:36)
7. Can't Yell Any Louder (1:40)
8. View From the Middle (2:18)
9. Oldest Trick in the Book (3:09)
10. Done and Dusted (3:12)
11. Finer Points of Forgiveness (2:35)
12. Life Led Out Loud (2:39)
Total Playing Time: 34:24 (min:sec)
Total Size : 79,5 MB (83*365*319 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Greetings & Salutations

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Greetings from Less Than Jake EP
Year : 2011
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~247K/s
Track Listing
1. Can't Yell Any Louder (1:41)
2. Goodbye Mr. Personality (3:29)
3. Harvey Wallbanger (3:06)
4. Oldest Trick In the Book (3:09)
5. Life Led Out Loud (2:39)
Total Playing Time: 14:06 (min:sec)
Total Size : 25,5 MB (26*714*584 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Greetings from Less Than Jake EP

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Hello Rockview
Year : 1998
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~320K/s
Track Listing
1. All My Best Friends Are Metalheads (3:31)
2. Al's War (3:04)
3. Big Crash (2:43)
4. Danny Says (2:51)
5. Five State Drive (2:49)
6. Great American Sharpshooter (1:28)
7. Help Save The Youth Of America From Exploding (2:54)
8. History Of A Boring Town (3:22)
9. Last One Out Of Liberty City (2:01)
10. Motto (3:14)
11. Nervous In The Alley (2:54)
12. Richard Allen George...No, It's Just Cheez (1:45)
13. Scott Farcas Takes It On The Chin (2:34)
14. Theme Song For H Street (2:44)
Total Playing Time: 38:00 (min:sec)
Total Size : 86,8 MB (91*059*330 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Hello Rockview

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Hello Rockview: Live
Year : 2011
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Last One Out Of Liberty City (2:25)
2. Help Save The Youth Of America From Exploding (2:54)
3. All My Best Friends Are Metalheads (3:43)
4. Five State Drive (3:59)
5. Nervous In The Alley (2:58)
6. Motto (3:36)
7. History Of A Boring Town (5:15)
8. Great American Sharpshooter (1:32)
9. Danny Says (3:36)
10. Big Crash (4:19)
11. Theme Song For H Street (3:50)
12. Richard Allen George...No, It's Just Cheez (1:43)
13. Scott Farcas Takes It On The Chin (3:55)
14. Al's War (3:40)
Total Playing Time: 47:30 (min:sec)
Total Size : 110,1 MB (115*440*831 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Hello Rockview: Live

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : In With The Out Crowd
Year : 2006
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. A Still Life Franchise (3:28)
2. Don't Fall Asleep On The Subway (3:16)
3. Fall Apart (3:09)
4. Hopeless Case (3:58)
5. In-Dependence Day (2:48)
6. Landmines And Landslides (2:58)
7. Let Her Go (2:23)
8. Mostly Memories (3:13)
9. Overrated (Everything Is) (3:10)
10. P.S. Shock The World (4:06)
11. Soundtrack Of My Life (2:59)
12. The Rest Of My Life (3:33)
Total Playing Time: 39:07 (min:sec)
Total Size : 89,6 MB (93*943*114 bytes)
Less Than Jake----In With The Out Crowd

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Against All Authority (Split 7'')
Year : 1995
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Out Of The Crowd (Demo) (2:30)
2. Hungry Like The Wolf (Cover) (1:37)
3. Hard As Fuck (2:08)
4. Centerfold (Cover) (1:53)
Total Playing Time: 8:09 (min:sec)
Total Size : 18,8 MB (19*701*093 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Against All Authority (Split 7'')

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Kemuri / Less Than Jake Split 7"
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Robo (Live) (1:34)
2. On The Street (3:49)
3. Workin Dayz (3:57)
4. Shotgun (Live) (2:46)
Total Playing Time: 12:07 (min:sec)
Total Size : 16,7 MB (17*478*453 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Kemuri / Less Than Jake Split 7"

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Pung (Split 7")
Year : 1995
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Last Train (Live) (2:05)
2. Growing Up On A Couch (Live) (2:46)
3. Little Boy (2:33)
4. Gonorrhea (3:14)
Total Playing Time: 10:39 (min:sec)
Total Size : 24,4 MB (25*595*998 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Pung (Split 7")

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Live From Uranus
Year : 1998
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Liquor Store (Live) (3:03)
2. Time And A Half On 2nd Avenue And 6th Street (Live) (2:36)
3. Econolodged (Live) (3:09)
4. Just Like Frank (Live) (2:00)
5. Automatic (Live) (2:39)
6. Lockdown (Live) (2:40)
7. Never Going Back To New Jersey (Live) (3:02)
8. How's My Driving, Doug Hastings? (Live) (1:33)
9. Shindo (Live) (2:46)
Total Playing Time: 23:31 (min:sec)
Total Size : 53,9 MB (56*495*945 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Live From Uranus

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Losers, Kings And Things We Don't Understand
Year : 1995
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. 24 Hours In Paramus (3:13)
2. 867-5309 (Jenny) (2:14)
3. Awkward Age (2:55)
4. Down In The Mission (2:48)
5. Dukes Of Hazzard (0:41)
6. Econolodged (4:08)
7. Fucked (1:20)
8. Glumble (2:09)
9. Good Time For Change (2:20)
10. Laverne And Shirley (0:52)
11. Lucky Day (2:37)
12. Pez King (2:30)
13. Shotgun (3:37)
14. Soundman - Soundcheck (2:35)
15. St. James Hotel (2:38)
16. This Is Going Nowhere (3:01)
17. Time And A Half (2:01)
18. Where The Hell Is Mike Sinkovich (2:17)
19. Whipping Boy (3:08)
20. Who Holds The Power Ring (2:13)
21. Wish Pig (3:14)
Total Playing Time: 52:41 (min:sec)
Total Size : 120,7 MB (126*532*823 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Losers, Kings And Things We Don't Understand

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Losing streak
Year : 1996
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Automatic (2:06)
2. Happyman (1:59)
3. 9th at pine (1:56)
4. Sugar in your gas tank (2:06)
5. Shindo (2:17)
6. 107 (1:59)
7. Johny Quest thinks we're sellouts (2:48)
8. Krazy glue (1:58)
9. Never going back to New Jersey (3:17)
10. How's my driving, doug hastings (1:23)
11. Just like frank (1:50)
12. Ask the magic (2:14)
13. Dopeman (2:06)
14. Jen doesn't like me anymore (2:50)
15. Rock-n-roll pizzeria (1:59)
16. Lockdown (2:32)
Total Playing Time: 35:29 (min:sec)
Total Size : 81,3 MB (85*253*800 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Losing streak

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Losing Streak- Live from Jack Rabbits in Jacksonville
Year : 2011
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Automatic (2:33)
2. Happyman (2:06)
3. 9th At Pine (2:41)
4. Sugar In Your Gas TAnk (2:20)
5. Shindo (3:22)
6. 107 (2:28)
7. Johnny Quest Think We're Sellouts (4:03)
8. Krazy Glue (1:59)
9. Never Going Back To New Jersey (4:46)
10. How's My Driving, Doug Hastings (2:41)
11. Just Like Frank (2:59)
12. Ask The MAgic 8 Ball (2:17)
13. Dopeman (3:35)
14. Jen Doesn't Like Me Anymore (3:24)
15. Rock-n-Roll Pizzeria (2:50)
16. Lockdown (4:05)
Total Playing Time: 48:16 (min:sec)
Total Size : 110,5 MB (115*916*443 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Losing Streak- Live from Jack Rabbits in Jacksonville

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Muppets 7"
Year : 1997
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Movin' Right Along (1:31)
2. Rainbow Connection (1:55)
3. Life is a Movie (0:23)
4. Mississippi Mud (0:25)
Total Playing Time: 4:15 (min:sec)
Total Size : 3,9 MB (4*112*474 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Muppets 7"

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Pesto
Year : 1999
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Good time for change (2:20)
2. Black coffee on the table (2:48)
3. Process (2:43)
4. Green eyed monster (3:13)
Total Playing Time: 11:05 (min:sec)
Total Size : 25,4 MB (26*639*271 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Pesto

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Pez Collection
Year : 1999
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Al's War (3:03)
2. Johnny Quest Thinks We're Sellouts (2:50)
3. My Very Own Flag (2:48)
4. Liquor Store (2:44)
5. Jen Doesn't Like Me Anymore (2:52)
6. Last One Out Of Liberty City (1:58)
7. Son of Dick (1:28)
8. Where The Hell Is Mike Sinkovich? (2:13)
9. Robo (1:34)
10. Rock-N-Roll Pizzeria (1:54)
11. Whipping Boy (3:04)
12. 867-5309 (Jenny) (2:08)
13. Cheeze (1:18)
14. Automatic (2:03)
15. Growing Up On A Couch (2:31)
16. Just Like Frank (1:51)
17. You're The One That I Want (2:11)
18. We Go Together (1:47)
19. Soundcheck (1:43)
20. Fucked (1:19)
21. Mixology Of Tom Collins (2:06)
22. Modern World (2:03)
23. Short On Ideas (1:43)
24. One Last Cigarette (2:30)
Total Playing Time: 51:51 (min:sec)
Total Size : 119,0 MB (124*777*358 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Pez Collection

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Pez Kings
Year : 1993
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~295K/s
Track Listing
1. Where The Hell Is Mike Sinkovich? (2:13)
2. Pez King (2:29)
3. This Is Going Nowhere (2:58)
4. Laverne and Shirley (1:00)
Total Playing Time: 8:42 (min:sec)
Total Size : 18,3 MB (19*177*887 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Pez Kings

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Pezcore
Year : 1995
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Liquor store (2:44)
2. My very own flag (2:47)
3. Johnny Quest thinks we're sellouts (2:56)
4. Big (3:05)
5. Shotgun (2:56)
6. Black coffee (2:25)
7. Throw the brick (2:10)
8. Growing up on a couch (2:31)
9. Blindsided (2:53)
10. Downbeat (2:11)
11. Jen doesn't like me anymore (2:56)
12. Out of the crowd (2:32)
13. Robo (1:35)
14. Where in the hell is Mike Sinkovich (2:13)
15. Process (2:41)
16. 3 quarts drunk (2:07)
17. Boomtown (2:45)
18. Short on ideas (1:47)
19. One last cigarette (4:36)
Total Playing Time: 50:01 (min:sec)
Total Size : 114,6 MB (120*151*190 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Pezcore

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Rock-n-Roll Pizzeria
Year : 1993
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~273K/s
Track Listing
1. Rock-n-Roll Pizzeria (1:53)
2. Son Of Dick (1:26)
Total Playing Time: 3:19 (min:sec)
Total Size : 6,3 MB (6*639*180 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Rock-n-Roll Pizzeria

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Seasons Greetings from Less Than Jake
Year : 2012
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. The New Auld Lang Syne (3:34)
2. Younger Lungs (3:11)
3. A Return to Headphones (2:48)
4. Done and Dusted (3:12)
5. Finer Points of Forgiveness (2:35)
Total Playing Time: 15:21 (min:sec)
Total Size : 35,8 MB (37*513*435 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Seasons Greetings from Less Than Jake

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : See the Light
Year : 2013
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Good Enough (2:50)
2. My Money is on the Long Shot (2:55)
3. Jump (3:01)
4. The Loudest Songs (2:28)
5. Do the Math (3:16)
6. Bless the Cracks (3:17)
7. John the Baptist Bones (2:30)
8. American Idle (3:27)
9. The Troubles (2:25)
10. Give Me Something to Believe In, Inc. (2:45)
11. Sunstroke (3:09)
12. A Short History Lesson (1:49)
13. Weekends All Year Long (2:43)
Total Playing Time: 36:41 (min:sec)
Total Size : 104,0 MB (109*097*023 bytes)
Less Than Jake----See the Light

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : (Single) - She's Gonna Break S
Year : 2003
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~272K/s
Track Listing
1. She's Gonna Break Soon (3:16)
2. The Brightest Bulb Has Burned (2:06)
3. Asaok (2:07)
Total Playing Time: 7:30 (min:sec)
Total Size : 13,0 MB (13*656*690 bytes)
Less Than Jake----(Single) - She's Gonna Break S

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Slayer Covers
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 224K/s
Track Listing
1. Antichrist (1:41)
2. Evil Has No Boundaries (2:07)
Total Playing Time: 3:48 (min:sec)
Total Size : 6,1 MB (6*407*317 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Slayer Covers

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Smoke Spot-7 Inch Vinyl
Year : 199x
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Glumble (2:05)
2. Lucky Day (2:33)
3. Who holds the Power Ring (2:02)
4. Wish Pig (3:10)
5. Awkward Age (2:46)
Total Playing Time: 12:38 (min:sec)
Total Size : 17,4 MB (18*216*832 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Smoke Spot-7 Inch Vinyl

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : TV/EP
Year : 2010
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~252K/s
Track Listing
1. Channel 1 (1:11)
2. Channel 2 (0:30)
3. Channel 3 (1:05)
4. Channel 4 (0:22)
5. Channel 5 (0:53)
6. Channel 6 (0:39)
7. Channel 7 (0:32)
8. Channel 8 (0:54)
9. Channel 9 (0:11)
10. Channel 10 (0:42)
11. Channel 11 (0:53)
12. Channel 12 (0:29)
13. Channel 13 (0:45)
14. Channel 14 (0:28)
15. Channel 15 (1:14)
16. Channel 16 (0:33)
Total Playing Time: 11:29 (min:sec)
Total Size : 20,2 MB (21*134*666 bytes)
Less Than Jake----TV/EP

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Unglued
Year : 1994
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~296K/s
Track Listing
1. Time and a Half (1:58)
2. Black Coffee On The Table (2:25)
3. Econolodged (4:29)
Total Playing Time: 8:53 (min:sec)
Total Size : 19,0 MB (19*882*708 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Unglued